Trip to Europe - September-October 1968 We flew British Caledonian Airways to Gatwick. In London we met up with a ham radio friend from the States, John Neville, and his wife Betty. We took the ferry to Ostend then a train to Lille, France where we caught the train to Paris Gare-du-Nord). There we rented a car and toured with the Nevilles for a few days before returning them to Paris to return to the UK (John and Betty were from Chelsea England originally). Then we drove through Passau to Berlin to get our first glimpse at communist-controlled territory. We then returned to the UK by ferry from Dunquerque France to Dover. Our British Caledonian B-707 at LAX FRANCE
On the Arc d'Triomphe Driving down Avenue des Champs-Élysées
The City of Lights! LUXEMBOURG Luxembourg City from Place de l'Constitution
Pont Adolphe (l) and the Passerelle Viaduct with the Petrusse Valley LIECHTENSTEIN Map of the Principality in Vaduz SWITZERLAND Basel Avenches
Roman ruins (actually some in very good shape. We stumbled on Avenches while driving back to Paris when we saw the huge amphitheater from the highway. Being from California, we couldn't believe that these historical relics were just sitting there in the open with no fences, no guards! And no graffiti! Geneva Gerard De Buren (HB9AW/WA6QAU), John Neville (WA6CEB/KB7YS), and Phil Finkle (K6EID) at International Telecommunications Union amateur radio station 4U1ITU. John and I were able to operate 4U1ITU for the two days we were in Geneva.
Betty Neville, Marilyn, and Phil (l) - John Neville (r)
Soviet tank memorial on entrance to Berlin
This was exiting from DDR (East Germany) into West Berlin (photography was prohibited) West Berlin
Observation towers for residents to view family members over the Wall Brandenburg Gate looking down Unter der Linden into East Berlin
Berlin Wall. Note the trolley tracks interrupted by the Wall Soviet War Memorial East Berlin War ruins ENGLAND London
ICELAND We landed at Reykjavik Airport for refueling on the way home. The airport would not let us deplane
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